
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tips to Increase Your AdSense Revenue

Google AdSense is the hottest buzz word among the webmasters. Placing AdSense ads is the best way to monetize your web site. Your web site performs its essential task of providing information or selling a product. By adding a few lines of code in your web-site, you can make them earn some passive revenue. If your web site sells something then you will get money from the sales. Will you deny the money paid to you when anyone clicks on ads? Certainly not!

Google pays the webmasters for sending visitors to their advertiser's web site. When you register with Google, you will be provided with a JavaScript code which displays ads. You need no more work on your part to generate revenue. When your web site visitor clicks on ads in your page they will be taken to the advertiser's page and you will be paid for those clicks. When you have more clicks from your visitors you will make a big click through rate (CTR) and hence more money.

there's different formats of AdSense ads and Google provides you the freedom to pick the four you require. The most popular revenue generating format is the Large Rectangle (336X280). This format gives a look that these links are actually links in your web site. they look so natural and if the ads are relevant you are sure to generate clicks using this format.

Putting it straight, to generate money out of AdSense you need to make the visitors click on the ads. Viewers are always in search of information and hence they will click ads when they are convincing. These are lots of gurus who're already receiving hundreds of dollars from Google per day out of AdSense.

Match the color of AdSense ads with the color theme of your web site. Google ads appear in blocks and you have to match the background color of the block with the background of your web site. Also you can change the color of the links and the text to match the color of the content of your web site. This pattern blends well with your web site and gives a comfortable feel for the visitors. they will not know that they are actually clicking on ads.

The location of AdSense ads is also important for generating revenue. The ads must be visible for the viewer. Don't place AdSense ads at the bottom of your webpage. You can place it on the top or in the side bar. four nice place is to place the ads between the contents of your web site so that they get attraction from the visitor. You can place up to 3 ad blocks on your page and it's generally advised to place at least 2 blocks of ads.

AdSense has generated lots of thousands of dollars for lots of people. simultaneously there's lots of people who're struggling to make a few dollars pre day. Your revenue mainly depends on the theme of your web site and the number of visitors visiting your site. If your main keywords are demanded by lots of advertisers then you may get more money per click.

Place ads on all pages in your web site and maintain links to associated web-sites. You can place your ads on the top of others' ads to gain attraction from the users. You can also insert AdSense ads automatically to your web site using SSI. If your server supports SSI then you can store the JavaScript AdSense code in AdSense.txt and call this file using SSI. This will save loading time and if you use automatic page generators then this will be of great help.

you have to place relevant ads on your site to increase the CTR. Always remember to give your visitors something of value. Then only they will navigate your web site and click ads on their path.

Don't design a web site for placing AdSense ads. Design a web site that explains your interest and provides some information for those who also have the same interest. Then place AdSense ads and you will be getting the expected clicks. AdSense is an ocean. Some are sailing safely while some are struggling. The above tips are guidelines that have aided gurus to make money with AdSense. If these tips have worked for them, then there is nothing wrong in using them.

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