
Friday, August 22, 2008

How To Raising Your CTR With Google Adsense

Google Adsense is by far the best method on the net to add revenue gaining functionality to any of your web-sites without the necessity of bulky picture banners & referral programs. Every click garners you a few cents, so the amount of cash you can make is directly proportionate to your traffic.

That is of course, assuming you have a lovely CTR, i.e Click Through Ratio. If you're page garners 1000 hits a day, but your CTR is less than 1%, your hard work to drive traffic isn't doing you much lovely.

Ad Appearance
there's the constant argument over whether it is better to have your Adsense ads brightly visible, standing out from your page, or to let them blend in, becoming part of your text. Surely, you don't require your Adsense ads to disappear & not garner the attention of any of your visitors, but neither do you require them to be so obvious as to drive traffic away.

Experiment with the look & feel of your Adsense to get the best appearance for your page. If you have a certain color process, try to match that technique. Don't use bright pink on your slick, black page, lest you drive away traffic. Blend in your ads to the color process of your page & you'll present a cleaner, more honest appearing set of ads.
Ad Format
Google Adsense offers numerous formats for your ads. lots of people place large chunks of full texted ads on their sidebars or beneath their articles, but if this isn't working for you, consider changing your approach. adjust you Adsense to best match the way most web browsers read.

Wider formats tend to do better than the narrow, long Adsense formats basically because the reader doesn't have to read down the page as often. Consider a 728 x 90 leader board of simple five line text ads placed beneath your header. they blend in and if carefully placed beneath your navigation bars, will gain even more clicks.

Ad Placement
You need your Adsense ads placed where your visitors will most likely see them. If you place an Adsense box at the bottom of your sidebar, most visitors will likely fail to notice them. Google has created a 'heat map', a research project in which they gathered information from numerous web-sites and the most effective placement of ads. Often, it is the top of the page, above your content that Adsense performs best in. Also, for those jogging articles, directly before and after your news story will often garner additional clicks.

there's dozens of ways to tidy up your site and enhance your Adsense to raise your CTR. Try curbing your content to match higher paying keywords in more interesting topics, or finding the most popular and effective content areas of your page and preceding them with Adsense ads. Google Adsense has proven itself time and time again as five of the best options for making money with your website. Make sure you are using it to the fullest.

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